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  • The Psychology Laboratory at The Apollo University in India, established in 2022, is a leading facility for mental health research, training, and clinical services. The lab also offers hands-on training for PG, UG students and clinical psychologists and provides consultancy services, including psychological evaluations, therapeutic interventions.  The Lap is equipped with advanced tools for neuropsychological assessments and various psychological therapies. The lab focuses on various mental health conditions, including mood disorders, anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders, and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). It emphasizes early screening, diagnosis, and intervention to mitigate the impact of mental health disorders.

    Consultancy services:  The department provides consultancy services for educational institutions, corporate organizations, and healthcare facilities. Through its comprehensive approach, the lab significantly contributes to the mental health field in India and beyond.


    The lab is equipped with following tools

    1. 1. 16 PF questionnaire form
    2. 2. Bhatia Battery of Performance Intelligence Test
    3. 3. Card Sorting Tray with Cards for Habit Interference
    4. 4. Children Apperception Test (CAT)
    5. 5. Children Apperception Test – Human
    6. 6. Children’s Personality Questionnaire Form A
    7. 7. Gesell Drawing Test of Intelligence
    8. 8. Children Personality Questionnaire Form b
    9. 9. Indian Modification of Thematic Apperception Test
    10. 10. Intelligence Scale for Children
    11. 11. Multi Phasic Interest Inventory
    12. 12. PGI Children Memory Scale
    13. 13. PGI Memory Scale
    14. 14. Sacks Sentence Completion Test
    15. 15. Anthropometer
    16. 16. Eysenck’s Personality Questionnaire
    17. 17. Haffman and Kaisenien Problem Solving Concept Formation
    18. 18. Human Maze Apparatus Digital with Timer and Error Counter
    19. 19. Memory Drum Apparatus – Digital
    20. 20. Metronome Apparatus
    21. 21. Mirror Drawing Apparatus
    22. 22. Muller Lyre Apparatus- with Stand
    23. 23. Multidimensional Aptitude Battery -II
    24. 24. Problem Solving – Wiggly Blocks
    25. 25. Recall of Completed and Incomplete Tasks
    26. 26. Retroactive Inhibition
    27. 27. Steadiness Tester
    28. 28. Tachistoscope Apparatus Electronic
    29. 29. Visual Acuity (Pending)
    30. 30. Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
    31. 31. Neuropsychological Assessment Battery
    32. 32. Neo Personality Inventory