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Anti Ragging Committee

Anti-Ragging Cell is one of the essential bodies of TAU’s mechanism. As per the UGC guidelines under the Act of 1956 (a UGC regulation prohibiting ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009), establishing the Anti-Ragging Cell is mandatory.

Objectives of Anti Ragging Committee

Anti-Ragging Committee will act as the advisory and supervisory committee to ensure the Ragging Free Environment at The Apollo University. This cell is constituted:
  • To spread awareness about the dehumanizing ragging effect in the varsity.
  • To keep close surveillance over ragging to prevent the occurrence and recurrence of ragging incidences.
  • To take necessary action against the ragging incidents brought to our notice.
  • To create a disciplined environment by clarifying that any act of ragging in any form shall be a punishable offence.

According to the Supreme Court of India’s order and subsequent Notification from UGC, any of the following acts shall be considered an act of ragging:
  • Any act of rude behavior towards juniors, teasing or indiscipline.
  • Any act that disrupts or prevents regular academic activity.
  • Any activity which causes hardship, annoyance, psychological harm or creates apprehension or fear.
  • Any act of forceful expenditure or financial extortion.
  • Any act of Physical Abuse causing harm or assault to health.
  • Any act of abuse by emails, SMS, public insult, etc.
  • Any act of infringement or loss of fundamental human rights.
  • Any act of kidnapping, committing unnatural offences, molesting, wrongful confinement, intimidation, trespass or use of criminal forces.
  • Any unlawful conspiracy or assembly to ragging.

In case the Anti-Ragging Cell finds any student or group of students guilty of ragging on the campus premises or even outside the campus, it reserves the right to impose one or more of the following punishments:
  • Debarring from appearing in University Exams/ Session Tests.
  • Suspension from regular academic activities, classes, labs, seminars, workshops, etc.
  • Forfeiting scholarships and other benefits.
  • College suspension for an undefined period.
  • Admission cancellation.
  • Withholding the results.