Dr. Mahendranath Chowdary View All
Assistant Professor
School of Social Science
14+ years of experience in the development and academic sectors, served in various NGOs, INGOs, Government Agencies, and UN agencies.
Education +
Graduation In :
Commerce -
Graduation From :
Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati -
Graduation Year :
Post Graduation In :
Social Work -
Post Graduation From :
Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati -
Post Graduation Year :
Doctorate In :
Social Work -
Doctorate From :
Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati -
Doctorate Year :
Key Publication+
Books Published
- Life Skill Course (CBCS) “Personality Enhancement and Leadership” Spectrum Publications- ISBN 978-93-91420-14-3
- Life Skill Course (CBCS) “Environmental Education” Spectrum Publications- ISBN 978-93-91420-34-5
- Skill Development Course (CBCS) “Disaster Management” Spectrum Publications- ISBN 978-93-91420-35-2
- “Sustainability and Rural Development”, Scientific International Publishing House- ISBN 978-93-6132-719-3
- “Basics of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance” ISBN 978-93-92917-39-4
Publications in Journals
Awareness attitude and belief of street children towards STDs, HIV/AIDs in Tirupati: A study- ISSN 0038-4046, August 15, 2012.
Knowledge and Attitude of College Adolescents towards Reproductive Health: Scope of Social Work Intervention- ISBN 978-93-81142-73-8, 2013.
Issues and Concerns on the Implementation of Self Employment Programmes in India: A Study.- ISBN 9789382570059, March 2013.
The Scope of Micro Finance in Promotion of Livelihoods in India. ISSN 2277-8179, April- 2013.
Knowledge and Attitude on Reproductive Health among Nursing, Pharmacy and MBA students-A Study. ISSN 2277-8179, May- 2013.
Need for environmental management in effective rural development A study. ISBN: 978-93-81274-50-7.
A Non- Government Organisation Creating Curiosity among Rural Government School Children Through Hands-on Practice Activities- A Study in Krishna District of Andhra Pradesh ISBN: 978-1- 926488-64-6.
Feminization of Ageing in India: Perspectives and Issues. ISBN 978-81-8286.
Technology adoption for construction of Toilets in Swachh Bharat Mission Gramin in Andhra Pradesh. ISSN 2321-0885.
Rights of Transgender Identity – DRSR Journal, An Emerging Issue. ISSN 2347- 7180, Volume- X Issue- VI, No. 8, June-2020.
Level of Satisfaction on Infrastructure at College, Knowledge and Awareness on STD and HIV/AIDS Among Youth: A Study in Tirupati. Ajantha, ISSN 2277 5730, Volume- IX, Issue-III, July- September- 2020.
Exploring the impact of community-based interventions on social inclusion and well-being: A Social work perspective, International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE)DOI:10.48047/intjecse/V14I8.384 ISSN 1308-5581 Vol 14, Issue 08 2022.
Impact of Supply Chain Management on the Indian SME Operational Effectiveness, Journal of Informatics Education and Research, ISSN: 1526- 4726, Vol 3, Issue 2, 2023.
Migrants Stock And Income: A Zoological Analysis Of The Remittance Flow Between India And 31 Pairs Of Countries, Migration Letters, ISSN: 1741-8984, e-ISSN: 1741-8992, Pages: 1317-1325, Volume 21, Issue S6, 2024.
Efficient methodology to asses Impacts of Climate Change on Agricultural Productivity and Identifying Adaptive Strategies on a Global Perspective, Journal of Propulsion Technology, ISSN: 1001-4055, Vol. 44, No. 4, 2023.
Rural Development and Agricultural Policy: A Global Perspective, “The Spectrum of Discovery: Multidisciplinary Research in the Modern Era”, ISBN: 978-1-304-55304-1, Page: 355-365, Vol-1, February 2024.
- Awareness attitude and belief of street children towards STDs, HIV/AIDs in Tirupati: A study- ISSN 0038-4046, August 15, 2012.
- Knowledge and Attitude of College Adolescents towards Reproductive Health: Scope of social Work Intervention- ISBN 978-93-81142-73-8, 2013.
- Issues and Concerns on the Implementation of Self Employment Programmes in India: A Study.- ISBN 9789382570059, March 2013.
- The Scope of Micro Finance in Promotion of Livelihoods in India. ISSN 2277-8179, April- 2013.
- Knowledge and Attitude on Reproductive Health among Nursing, Pharmacy and MBA students-A Study. ISSN 2277-8179, May- 2013.
- Need for environmental management in effective rural development A study. ISBN: 978-93-81274-50-7.
- A Non- Government Orginisation Creating Curiosity among Rural Government School Children Through Hands-on Practice Activities- A Study in Krishna District of Andhra Pradesh ISBN: 978-1- 926488-64-6.
- Feminization of Ageing in India: Perspectives and Issues. ISBN 978-81-8286.
- Technology adoption for construction of Toilets in Swachh Bharat Mission Gramin in Andhra Pradesh. ISSN 2321-0885.
- Rights of Transgender Identity – An Emerging Issue. ISSN 2347- 7180, Volume- X Issue- VI, No. 8, June-2020
- Level of Satisfaction on Infrastructure at College, Knowledge and Awareness on STD and HIV/AIDS Among Youth: A Study in Tirupati. ISSN 2277 5730, Volume- IX, Issue-III, July- September- 2020