Dr T. Vivekanandan View All
Associate Professor | Coordinator - Academic Affairs
School of Technology
Dr. T. Vivekanandan is graduate from Madras University, M.E., from Anna University, Chennai and did his Ph.D., from VIT University, Vellore. He has over 18 years of teaching experience and 1 year of Industry experience.
He received Best Teacher award during the academic year 2022-2023. He received Best Paper Award in the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Information Technology and Computing, (April 26-27), 2019. He has supervised over 35+ students’ projects at B.Tech and M.Tech level, He served as Head and Board of Studies-Chairman for Computer Science and Engineering (AIML) (2021-2023). He also served as coordinator for Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) during (2014-2019) as well as In-charge for Computer centre (2015-2021). He acted as a Resource person for various events like AICTE, UGC and other Sponsored Workshop/FDP/conferences.
He has organized various Extension programs, participated in many conferences and seminars and have published 29 papers on technical subjects. Computers in Biology and Medicine (Elsevier) journal published his research work “Optimal feature selection using a modified differential evolution algorithm and its effectiveness for prediction of heart disease” under Honored papers 2017.
Education +
Graduation In :
B.Tech - Information Technology -
Graduation From :
Madras University -
Graduation Year :
Post Graduation In :
M.E - Computer Science and Engineering -
Post Graduation From :
Anna University -
Post Graduation Year :
Doctorate In :
PhD - Computer Science and Engineering -
Doctorate From :
VIT University -Vellore -
Doctorate Year :
Teaching - 18 Years
Industry - 1 Year
Key Publication+
Book Chapters • Shaik Naseera, Vivekanandan.T and K.V.Madhumurthy , “Data Replication Using Experienced Based Trust in a Data Grid Environment” in the Journal of Distributed and Internet Technology, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg as Lecture Notes In Science (LNCS), Book Volume-5375, December-2008, ISBN 978-3-540-89736-1, Pages 39-50. [Scopus-Indexed, Springer Publisher, Impact Factor 1.75] Publications in Journals • Iyengar, N. Ch SN, T. Vivekanandan, and Syed Thouheed Ahmed. “Big Data Analytic approach to Predict Risk Assessment for Cardiovascular Diseases Using Framingham Risk Score.” International Journal of Computational Learning & Intelligence 2.1 (2023): 32-38. • Iyengar, N. Ch SN, and Vivekanandan.T ” Cardiovascular Diseases Risk Assessment Using
Framingham Risk Score.” High Technology Letters, Volume 26, Issue 9, (2020), 451-460. ISSN NO: 1006-6748. [Scopus-Indexed].
• Vivekanandan, T., and Swathi Jamjala Narayanan. “A Hybrid Risk Assessment Model for
Cardiovascular Disease Using Cox Regression Analysis and a 2-means clustering algorithm.”
Computers in biology and medicine 113 (2019): 103400. [SCI indexed, Scopus-Indexed, Elsevier
publisher, Impact factor: 6.698]
• Vivekanandan.T., Narayanan, S.J. and Sriman Narayana Iyengar, N.C., 2018. Analysis of Parallel SVM Based Classification Technique on Healthcare using Big Data Management in Cloud Storage. Recent Patents on Computer Science, 11(3), pp.169-178. [Scopus-Indexed, Bentham science Publisher].
• Vivekanandan.T and N. Ch Sriman Narayana Iyengar.”Optimal feature selection using a modified differential evolution algorithm and its effectiveness for prediction of heart disease.” Computers in biology and medicine 90 (2017), pp.125-136.[SCI indexed, Scopus-Indexed, Elsevier publisher, Impact factor: 6.698].
• Reddamma, K., D. Jagadeesan, and Vivekanandan.T, “Effective Reduction of Network Traffic Cost in Map Reduce for Very Large Scale Data Applications.” i-Manager’s Journal on Computer Science, 4.4,14, (2016).
• A. Srinivasan, Vivekanadan.T, Shaik Naseera,. “A SURVEY OF TRUST, LOCATION BASED PRIVACY
• Prasad, PS Durga, Vivekanandan.T , and A. Srinivasan. “A Methodology for WebLog Data analysis using HadoopMapReduce and PIG.” i-manager’s Journal on Cloud Computing 3.1,13, (2015).
• Surendra, B., Vivekanandan.T , and M. Giri. “Fuzzy Logic Control to Offer Intellectual Transfer Management Service & Progressive Packet Arrivals for High-Speed Networks.” 2014.
Publications in Conferences • Vivekanandan.T, Privacy-preserving in Mobile Social Network using Secure and Efferent Level-Level Trust Modeling (SELTM) Algorithm, First International Conference on Technologies for Smart Green Connected Society, 29-30, November -2021. • Vivekanandan.T, A.Srinivasan, M.E.Palanivel and N.Ch.S.N.Iyengar, “Risk Assessment of Cardiovascular Diseases Using Framingham Risk Score Through Big Data Analytics and Cloud”, in Proc. of Second National Conference on Advances in Information Technology and Computing, APRIL 26-27, 2019.
•Vivekanandan.T and A.Srinivasan, “Trustworthy Cloud Service Discovery for Large Scale applications – An Approach to Cloud and Big Data Environment”, in Proc. of First National Conference on Advances in Information Technology and Computing, APRIL 26-27, 2018.
• A.Srinivasan, Vivekanandan.T and Shaik Naseera, “A Survey of Trust, Location Based Privacy and Security in Mobile Social Networks”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Management Research (ICETEMR-2016), 28th May 2016.
• Vivekanandan, T., and N. Ch Sriman Narayana Iyengar , Parallel SVM based classification for larger healthcare dataset”, Sixth International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (IEEE-CSNT 2016), 5-7 March 2016, Chandigarh, Punjab, India.
• Vivekanadan.T , “Multi-dimentional Fuzzy search for personal Information retrieval”, In the national conference on Data warehousing and Data mining, Apr-2, 2013.
• Shaik Naseera, Vivekanandan.T and K.V.Madhumurthy, “Performance Evaluation of Predictive replica selection using neural network approaches,” in Proc. of IEEE Int’l Conf on Intelligent Agent and Multi-Agent Systems (IAMA’09), 2009.
• Vivekanadan.T, “Secured Dynamic Data Replication with Multilevel Trust in Data Grid Environment” at 1st National Conference on Cryptography and Network Security (NCCNS 2009), Feb 2009.
• Vivekanandan.T, Presented a paper on “Agent Based Data Replication using Multi-Dimensional Trust” at 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies, Organized by APIIT, Panipet, Nov 2008.
• Naseera, Shaik, Vivekanandan.T and KV Madhu Murthy. “Data replication using experience based trust in a data grid environment.”, International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology, 2008.
• Naseera, Shaik, Vivekanandan.T , and KV Madhu Murthy. “Trust Based Data Replication Strategy in a Data Grid.” 2nd International conference on Information Processing ICIP. 2008.
Patents Application No.201941042715 A, Publication Date : 25/10/2019. Title: Intrusion Detection System