Dr Sudha Paipuru View All
Assistant Professor
School of Health Sciences
M.Sc., Ph.D. (PSYCHOLOGY), QUALIFIED UGC-NET, TS&AP SET. Worked As Academic Consultant in the Department of Psychology at Yogi Vemana University for 2 years and worked as Guest Faculty at SRI VENKATESWARA UNIVERSITY, Tirupati. Won Best Poster Award in A.P. Science congress held at Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa on 9-11 NOV,2018. Nominated for Emerging Psychologist in XXIX Annual Convention of National Academy of Psychology held on 20-22 Dec,2019. Member in NATIONAL ACADEMY Of PSYCHOLOGY. Chaired a Session in National Conference on Current Trends in Psychology Held at Central University of Andhra Pradesh.
Education +
Graduation In :
B.Sc. -
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Post Graduation Year :
Doctorate In :
Doctorate From :
Doctorate Year :
2014-2018, AWARDED IN THE YEAR 2018
Key Publication+
Book Chapters
- P.Sudha. (2018). “Effect of Assertiveness training on Assertiveness and Level of stress among Adolescents. Published in monograph. ISBN No. 81-903674-5-5, Vol No.2, Pp No.352-355.
- P.Sudha.(2018). “Effectiveness of selective measures among children with Attention Deficit Hyper Active Disorder”. Published in Monograph. International Conference on Social Responsibility of Educational Institutions in Developing Countries. ISBN No. 978-93-87593-91-6, Pp No. 225-229.
- P. Sudha and B.S. Kumar Reddy. (2019). “Problem Avoidance coping style in relation to personality type, health behavior and life satisfaction among cardiovascular patients” Published in Monograph Health and Wellbeing of women and children challenges and prospects”. ISBN NO.978-93-84845-69-8. Pg no. 169-184.
- P. Sudha and B.S. Kumar Reddy (2018). Psychological correlates of stress and coping in cardiovascular patients. LAMBERT Academic publications. ISBN No. 978365982482-1.
Publications in Journals
- P.Sudha and Dr. B.S. Kumar Reddy. (2017). “Impact of Personality type, Health behavior and Life Satisfaction on stress among cardiovascular patients” published in International Journal of Psycho Social Research, ISSN No. 2320-6381, Vol.No.2(3), pp. 78-83. Impact factor 0.541
- P.Sudha and Dr. B.S. Kumar Reddy. (2017). “Stress among Cardiovascular patients – Role of Age, Gender and Nature of patients” published in International Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN No.2277-8179, Vol No.6 (8), pp. 18-20. Impact factor 4.176, doi 10.15373/22778179
- P.Sudha and Dr. B.S. Kumar Reddy. (2017). “Influence of gender, age and nature of patients on Problem solving coping style among cardiovascular patients” published in Indian Journal of Applied Research, ISSN No.2249-555X, Vol No.7 (12), pp.48-50. Impact factor 4.547 DOI 10.15373/2249555X
- P.Sudha and Dr. B.S. Kumar Reddy. (2017). “Impact of gender, age and nature of patients on emotion focused coping styles among cardiovascular patients” published in Global Journal for Research Analysis, ISSN No.2277-8160, Vol No. 6 (12), pp no.366-368. Impact factor 4.547 DOI 10.15373/22778160
- P.Sudha and S. Hemalatha. (2017). “Assessment of stress and coping styles among cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy” published in International Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN No.2277-8179, Vol No.6 (11), pp.12-14. Impact factor 4.176.
- P.Sudha and Dr. B.S. Kumar Reddy. (2017). “Problem solving coping style in relation to Personality type, Health Behavior and Life satisfaction among cardiovascular patients” published in Indian Journal of Positive Psychology, ISSN No. 2229-5356, Vol.No.8(12), Pp no. 1493-1496. Impact factor 4.13
- P.Sudha and Dr. B.S. Kumar Reddy. (2018). “Emotion Focused coping styles in relation to Personality type, Health Behavior and Life satisfaction among cardiovascular patients” published in Global Journal For Research Analysis, ISSN No.2277-8160, Vol No.7(1), Pp no.37-39. Impact factor 4.547
- P. Sudha and B.S. Kumar Reddy. (2018). “Efficacy of Yoga and Meditation on Academic Stress among High school Children”. Published in International Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN No.2277-8179, Vol No.7 (12), PP No. 28-30. Impact factor 4.176.
- P.Sudha and B.S. Kumar Reddy. (2019). Impact of personality type, health behavior and life satisfaction on wishful thinking coping style among cardiovascular patients. Published in International Journal of Indian Psychology. ISSN no.2348-5396.
- P. Sudha. (2019). “Emotional Intelligence and its relationship with marital adjustment among working personnel”. Published in Multi-disciplinary research and development. ISSN NO.2349-5979. Vol No.6 (10), Pp No. 224-227.Impact factor 5.71
Publications in Conferences
Presented a paper on “Impact of personality type, health behavior and Life satisfaction on problem solving coping style among cardiovascular patients in International seminar- ISHPSY-17, Department of Psychology, S.V.University, Tirupati, 25th-26thSeptember, 2017.
- Presented a paper on “Effectiveness of selective measures among children with attention deficit hyperactive disorder”, International conference on social responsibility of educational institutions in developing countries, Department of social work. Coimbatore. August 24-25, 2018.
- Presented a paper on “Efficacy of Yoga and Meditation on academic stress among high school students”. 8th INSPA International Conference on School Psychology, Department of Psychology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. October 11-13, 2018.
- Presented a paper on “Cognitive restructuring coping style in relation to personality type, health behavior, life satisfaction among cardiovascular patients conference on Making psychology deliverable to the society”, held at Pondicherry, December 22-23, 2019.
- Presented a paper on “Stress among Cardiovascular patients – Role of Age, Gender and Nature of patients” in UGC-DRS-I National seminar on Healthy Aging – A Life Span Perspective, S.V. University, Department of Psychology, 10-11th March 2016.
- Presented a paper on “Effect of Assertiveness Training on assertiveness and level of stress of adolescents” in National Seminar on Strengthening Adolescents Mental Health and their suicide Prevention. Dept. of Education, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar.22nd and 23rd June 2018.
- Presented a paper on “Impact of Social Networking on Psychological aspects of high school Children” National conference on Media and Child Development, College of Education, Vellore. 28-29th September, 2018.
- Presented a paper on “School Bullying and Harassment- Review Literature, National Seminar on Mental Health Vs School Bullying. Department of Social Work, Sri Rama Krishna college of Arts and Science. Coimbatore. 9-10th October, 2018.
- Presented a paper on “Impact of personality type, health behavior and life satisfaction on Wishful thinking Coping Style among cardiovascular patients”. In A.P Science Congress (APSC 2018). Yogi Vemana University, November 9-11, 2018.
- Presented a paper on “Effectiveness of Cardiac Rehabilitation on patients with Myocardial Infarction” in National seminar on disability and rehabilitation challenges and strategies, 27th- 28th December 2018, Department of Psychology, Y.V. University, Kadapa.
- Presented a paper on “Problem Avoidance coping style in relation to personality type, health behavior and life satisfaction among cardiovascular patients”. UGC national seminar on Health and Wellbeing of women and children challenges and prospects, Department of Social Work, Sri Padmavathi Mahila Viswavidhyalayam, 24-25th January, 2019.
- Presented a paper on Role of E-learning,. UGC National Seminar on Research in Teaching Training and Learning, Department of Education, Dravidian University, Kuppam, A.P. 21-22nd March, 2019.
- Presented a Paper on Influence of personality type, health behavior and life satisfaction on Self-criticism coping style among cardiovascular patients. Department of psychology, kakathiya university, Warangal. 16-17th March,2019.
- Presented a paper on “A Study on Prevalance of Depression among Unemployed Graduates”, Department of Economics, YogiVemana University, Kadapa, 11th and 12th July,2019.
- Presented a paper on Predictors of Stress, anxiety and depression in older adults during second wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Department of Applied Psychology, Central University of Andhra Pradesh, 25-26 Nov, 2022.