Dr. S. Hemadri Reddy Salla View All
Associate Professor
School of Health Sciences
Dr. Hemadri Reddy .S is having 16 years of teaching and research experience. In his experience he has served 13 years at various academic institutes at international level in teaching and research. He has received best teacher award appreciation from Department of applied science, UTAS Muscat formerly known as HCT, Muscat, Oman in 2019. He has demonstrated teaching experience in various biology related courses (Fundamentals of Biology, Molecular biology, Genetics, Biochemistry, Cell biology, Biological control and Plant biotechnology and Pathology).
Dr. SH Reddy along with teaching he has an excellent research experience in the field of Antidiabetic, antimicrobial, Plant tissue culture and Plant molecular biology fields. He has guided several research projects for Bachelor level students and successfully published them into various research journals. He is passionate in publishing research projects into publications. He Has published 28 research articles in national and international journals with a highest journal impact factor 3.829(KSUJ Elsevier 2023). During his service in Sultanate of Oman , Muscat He has received 3 project grants from MOHERi.
Dr. SH Reddy also contributed greatly in administrative role as a member in departmental Research committee, member in academic curriculum committee, Library committee, Team leader for Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Molecular biology and Genetics under Applied biology section for several years in his tenure at HCT Oman.
Education +
Graduation In :
BSc in Biology(Botany, Zoology and Chemistry) -
Graduation From :
PVKN Govt Degree college, SV University Tirupati -
Graduation Year :
Post Graduation In :
M.Sc. Degree in Biotechnology, (Biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, microbiology, immunology, plant and animal biotechnology, genetic -
Post Graduation From :
Banglore university, Bangalore, India -
Post Graduation Year :
Doctorate In :
Ph.D. degree in Biotechnology (Plant Biotechnology) -
Doctorate From :
Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, Chittoor district, AP, India. -
Doctorate Year :
Worked as Lecturer in Biochemistry in Department of Bio Chemistry, S V Arts & Science Degree College, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India from June 2002 to June 2004
Worked as Lecturer in Biotechnology in Department of Bio technology SEICOM Degree and PG college affiliated to S V University, Tirupati, A.P. From April 2008 to April 2010
Worked as Assistant Professor in Department of Plant Science, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, Wollega University, Nekemte, Ethiopia from December 2010 to July 2012
Worked as Senior Lecturer Applied Biology Section, Department of Applied Science, University of Technology and Applied science Higher College of Technology, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, from September 2012 to April 2023
Key Publication+
Publications on Journals:
- Salla Hemadri Reddy, Hajer Al-kalbani, Shaikha Al-Qalhati, Abdullah A. Al-Kahtani, Umaima Al Hoqani, Syed Najmul Hejaz Azmi, Ashok Kumar, Sandeep Kumar, Vijaya Saradhi Settaluri, “Proline and other physiological changes as an indicator of abiotic stress caused by heavy metal contamination” published in the Journal of King Saud University – Science 36 (2024).
- Vijaya Saradhi Settaluri, Tuqa Mohammed Al Anbari, Shahad Khalifa Al Shukaili, Raqiya Mohammed Al Rawahi, Syed Najmul Hejaz Azmi, Pankaj Sah, Salla Hemadri Reddy, Qamar Uddin Ahmed, Shaik Althaf Hussain, Jayasimha Rayalu Daddam, Stuti Sah, Sultan Mahmood, ” Phytochemical screening and in vitro evaluation of antioxidant and antimicrobial efficacies of Pteropyum scoparium (Jaub. & Spach) Sidaf crude extracts”, Journal of King Saud University – Science, 36(2024).
- Hemadri Reddy Salla, Fatma Sabeeah Al Habsi, Heba Mohammed Al dholi, Saleema Tahani Al musallami, Warda Hamed Al Sharji, A comparative study on the role of Omani honey with various food supplements on diabetes and wound healing, Journal of King Saud University – Science(Elsevier), Volume 32, Issue 3, 2020.
- Fatma Said Nasser Al-Owamri, Lamya Saleh Abdullah Al Sibay and Salla Hemadri Reddy , Shaik Althaf Hussain4 and Venkata Subba Reddy Gangireddygari5 . Phytochemical, Antimicrobial and wound healing property of Juniperus excelsa, Olea oleaster and Olea europaea-Traditional herbal medicinal plants in Oman. Journal of King Saud University – Science, Volume 35, Issue 2, 2023, 102446.
- Salla Hemadri Reddy, Fatma K. AL-Rashdi, Habeeba S. AL-Sulti, Moza Sh. AL-Madhoshi, Shaik Althaf Hussain, Venkata Subba Reddy Gangireddygari, Studies on Oman elite date palm varieties and preliminary establishment of identity through SSR marker, Journal of King Saud University – Science-Elsevier,2022
- Salla Hemadri Reddy, Mizna Salim Ali Al Hatmi and Al shima Rashid Al Kalbani(2022). Effect of the leaf and seed extract of Moringa peregrina on blood glucose level and body weight in alloxan induced diabetic mice. Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources(CSIR) Vol. 13(2), June 2022, pp. 183- 187
- Salla Hemadri Reddy, Afrah Said Al-Rawahi & Adhari Said Al-Kalbani (2017): Hypoglycemic Effect of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa) Seed and Senna Alexandria (Cassia angustifolia) Leaf Extracts on Alloxan-Induced Mice, Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants(Taylor and francis),vol 23, issue 4 2017. DOI: 10.1080/10496475.2017.1352552.
- Fatma Sabeeah Al Habsi, Heba Mohammed Al Dholi, Saleema Tahani Al-musallami, Warda Hamed Al sharji and Salla Hemadri Reddy. Green synthesis, characterization and optimization of silver nanoparticles using honey and antimicrobial study with food supplements. Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources(CSIR) Vol. 10(2), June 2019, pp. 150-157.
- M. Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy, S.D. Sudheer, P. Sasikala, P. Sreenivasula Reddy, S. Hemadri Reddy and A. Karthik. Transplacental and Lactational Exposure of Mice to Arsenic: Effect on Body and Organ Weights with Special Reference to Male Reproductive Organs. Journal of Reproduction and Infertility 3 (1): 17-21, 2012.
- B. Hari Babu, G. Syam Prasad, M.F. Stephen Babu, P. Haranath, S. Hemadri Reddy and C. Naga Raju. Synthesis and Bioactivity of Novel Bisphosphonate Derivatives. Heterocycles, 75, No.3, 2008, 611-618.
- M. Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy, S.D. Sudheer, P. Sasikala, P. Sreenivasula Reddy, S. Hemadri Reddy and A. Karthik. Effect of Transplacental and Lactational Exposure to Arsenic on Male Reproduction in Mice. Journal of Reproduction and Infertility 2 (3): 41-45, 2011.