Dr Ramaiah Itumalla View All
Dean (I/C)
School of Management
Dr. Ramaiah Itumalla [PGDBM, MA, MPhil, MBA-Health Care and Hospital Management, Ph.D., UGC-NET-Management, (UGC-Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Post-Doctoral Fellowship)] a teacher and a researcher by choice, is currently working as Associate Professor in School of Management, The Apollo University (TAU), Chittoor, A.P, India. For more than a decade, he has been a proven academician and academic administrator in India and abroad. Prior to joining the TAU, he worked as an Assistant Professor in Department of Health Management & as an Associate Head, Department of Health Informatics, College of Public Health and Health Informatics, University of Hail (THE 351-400 Rank), Ministry of Education, Saudi Arabia. Before moving to the Gulf, Dr. Ramaiah worked at Apollo Institute of Hospital Administration, (Affiliated to Osmania University, Hyderabad) as an Assistant Professor and at the School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad as a first UGC-Dr.S.Radhakrishnan Post- Doctoral Fellow. He was also served as the Guest Faculty at Department of Communication and School of Management, University of Hyderabad.
Dr. Ramaiah was the 1 st Batch of MBA Health Care and Hospital Management graduate at School of Management, University of Hyderabad which was inaugurated by Bharat Ratna. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam in the year 2008. Following his MBA Health Care and Hospital Management with two achiever’s Awards (Received from Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam & Prof. Govardhan Mehata), First Division with distinction (CGPA 8.27 out of 10) and the University Medal (received from Sri. E. S. L. Narasimhan, Former Governor of Andhra Pradesh) in 2010, he completed his Ph.D. in Management/Healthcare ((received from Sri. C. Rangarajan, former Governor of the Reserve Bank of India) under the able guidance of two eminent professors i.e. Prof. G.V.R.K Acharyulu – Healthcare and Prof. B. Raja Shekhar – Management, from School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad.
Dr. Ramaiah is one of rare resource persons with expertise in multiple disciplines, including healthcare and hospital management, management, public health, health informatics, public administration and social sciences. His guest lectures were delivered at various international and national institutions/universities, including the Department of Management at Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Bangkok, Thailand, the Department of Public Health at the University of Hail in Saudi Arabia, the School of Management Studies at the University of Hyderabad, the Administrative Staff College of India, the NALSAR Law University, Hyderabad and APRDC Nagarjuna Sagar, A.P. Recently he was invited as a panel speaker at the Asia Pacific Aged Care Hub International Forum, 2024 organized by Ramaiah Medical College, in collaboration with Flinders University, Australia and Asia Pacific Aged Care Hub (APACH), an initiative supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFTA), Government of Australia. He is the Chairperson of Apollo Career Counselling Cell (ACCC) at The Apollo University. He
specializes in inspiring and guiding individuals through motivational speeches and career advice sessions.
Academic Administrative Experience:
-Program Coordinator, Health Services Management, Department of Health Management, College of Public Health and Health Informatics, University of Hail (THE 351-400 Rank), Ministry of Education, Saudi Arabia
-Associate Head, Department of Health Informatics, College of Public Health and Health Informatics, University of Hail (THE 351-400 Rank), Ministry of Education, Saudi Arabia.
– Controller of Examinations, College of Public Health and Health Informatics, University of Hail (THE 351-400 Rank), Ministry of Education, Saudi Arabia.
-Manager, Academic Advising Unit, College of Public Health and Health Informatics, University of Hail (THE 351-400 Rank), Ministry of Education, Saudi Arabia
-Manager, Skill Development Unit, Deanship of Quality and Development, College of Public Health and Health Informatics, University of Hail (THE 351-400 Rank), Ministry of Education, Saudi Arabia
-Quality Coordinator, Department of Health Management, College of Public Health and Health Informatics, University of Hail (THE 351-400 Rank), Ministry of Education, Saudi Arabia
Research / Project Work Experience:
-Principal Investigator: Research Project “Personal and Structural Factors in Preventing Diabetes Hail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: A Cross sectional study”, Funded by Deanship of Research, University of Hail (Major Project – Completed)
-Co-Principal Investigator: Research Project “Intensions, behavioral responses and coping strategies related to coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic among undergraduates in Hail, Saudi Arabia”, Funded by Deanship of Research, University of Hail (Minor Project-Completed)
-Co-Principal Investigator: Research Project “Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Hail community towards COVID-19”, Funded by Deanship of Research, University of Hail (Minor Project-Completed)
– Project Administrator: Project on “Bio-Medical Waste Management in Hail”, Funded by King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia, 2016
-UGC-Dr.S.Radhakrishnan Post-Doctoral Fellow, “Primary Health Services in Andhra and Telangana: A comparative Study” School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad, 30th Oct, 2015 to 31st Jan, 2016
-Research Assistant: Project on “RMNCH+A Gap analysis” at IIPH-UNICEF, Hyderabad (29 November 2013 to 28 February 2014).
-Demand Assessment for the Radiology Services in Rural Tamil Nadu and Kerala, Grace Institutions & Indo-US Healthcare, Hyderabad. January – April, 2010 (MBA HC&HM – Master Project)
-Development of Outreach Network of Health Workers at Yavathmal, Maharashtra, CARE Rural Health Mission, CARE Foundation, Hyderabad, May-June, 2009 (MBA HC&HM – Summer Project) – Study on Health, Nutrition and School Health in Ranga Reddy District, Bairraju Foundation- Satyam, Hyderabad, 11 December – January, 2009. (MBA HC&HM – Field study Project)– Study on Health, Nutrition and School Health in Ranga Reddy District, Bairraju Foundation- Satyam, Hyderabad, 11 December – January, 2009. (MBA HC&HM – Field study Project)
-Study on Tele-ophthalmology and Community outreach programme at Aravind Eye Care Systems, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, December, 2008 (MBA HC&HM – Field study Project)
-Implementation of Rajeev Aarogya Sree Health Insurance at CARE Hospital, Hyderabad, August- November, 2008
-Project Assistant, Project on “Hyderabad as a Megacity of Tomorrow: Sustainable Urban Food and Health Security and Environmental Resource Management”, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, September – October, 2006.
-Project Executive, AP- Human Resources Development – DRS-CESS, Hyderabad, 2005
Experience with an International Accreditation:
- Accreditation Service for International Colleges (ASIC), United Kingdom, 2016
- ASIIN, an European Accreditation Agency, Germany, 2019
- National Commission for Academic Accreditation and Assessment (NCAAA), Saudi Arabia, 2023
Publications and Presentations: Dr. Ramaiah Published more than 15 papers in various Web of Science, Scopus peer reviewed journals published by WHO, Elsevier, Wolters Kluwer, Sage, MDPI etc. He has presented more than 20 papers in International (Singapore, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka) and National Conferences and Seminars. Furthermore, he is a reviewer for several prestigious journals.
Thesis Evaluations and Guidance: Dr. Ramaiah has adjudicated 5 Ph.D. thesis as an external foreign examiner and also, he has guide more than 30 Master Projects in University of Hail, Saudi Arabia and in Apollo Institute of Hospital Administration (AIHA), Hyderabad
Areas of Interests: Health Policy and Management, Service Operations, Hospital Management, Healthcare Quality, Healthcare Technology, Global Health and General Management (Operations, Marketing and HR)
Education +
Graduation In :
BA (Public Administration) -
Graduation From :
Osmania University -
Graduation Year :
Post Graduation In :
MBA (Health Care and Hospital Management) -
Post Graduation From :
School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad -
Post Graduation Year :
Doctorate In :
Ph.D. Management -
Doctorate From :
School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad -
Doctorate Year :
Associate Professor, School of Management, The Apollo University, Chittoor, AP., India (November 2013 to till date)
Assistant Professor, Department of Health Management, College of Public Health & Health Informatics, University of Hail (THE 351-400 Rank), Ministry of Education, Saudi Arabia (Feb 2016-Aug 2023)
UGC-Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Post-Doctoral Fellow, School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad (Oct 2015-Jan 2016).
Assistant Professor, Apollo Institute of Hospital Administration, Apollo Hospital (Affiliated to Osmania University) Hyderabad (Dec 2014 - Oct 2015)
Key Publication+
- Ramaiah Itumalla, Rachmani, E., Alshammari, F., Krishna, V., & Atique, S. (2024, May). Infodemics response during COVID-19 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: A thematic analysis. In International Seminar and Workshop Public Health (ISWHOPHA 2023) (pp. 209-217). Atlantis Press.
- Ramaiah Itumalla, Contemporary Healthcare Management (Book). Prashas Publishing house, Mumbai, 2024.
Book Chapters
- Ramaiah Itumalla, Emerging Trends in Indian Healthcare Industry, in Trends, Challenges & Innovations in Management ed. Ramesh M at al, Vol II, Zenon Acedemic Publishing, ISBN: 978-81-926819-9-3, pp. 97-102, 2015.
- Ramaiah Itumalla, Enny Rachmani, Fahad Alshammari, Vamsi Krishna, Suleman Atique, Infodemics response during COVID-19 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: A thematic analysis. in Advances in Health Sciences Research, Ed. Adian Khoironi et. al. Atlantis Press, 2024 ISBN: 2991/978-94-6463-421-1_1
- Ramaiah Itumalla, G.V.R.K. Acharyulu “Inpatient Admission Process and Timings in a Corporate Hospital” in Healthcare and Hospital Management: Contemporary Issues and Strategies (Ed) GVRK Acharyulu et. all, New Delhi, PP. 109-120, 2014 – ISBN: 978-93-5062-540-8.
- Ramaiah Itumalla “Radiology Services in Rural South India” in Healthcare and Hospital Management: Contemporary Issues and Strategies (Ed) GVRK Acharyulu et. all, New Delhi, PP. 174-184, 2014 – ISBN: 978-93-5062-540-8.
- Ramaiah Itumalla, Dr. G.V.R.K. Acharyulu, “Dimensions of Measuring Inpatient Service Quality in Hospital: A Conceptual Model” in, M Kasi Reddy & V Harileela (Ed), Innovations in Service Quality Management, Lorven publication, Hyderabad, 2013,pp. 156-170, ISBN 978-81-907052-9-5
- G.V.R.K Acharyulu, Ramaiah Itumalla, “A Study on Quality as a Emerging Challenge in Healthcare Sector”, in S. Teki, N. UdayaBhaskar, P. Uma Maheswari Devi (Ed) Emerging Challenges and Strategies for Service Sector, Excel India Publishers, New Delhi, 2012, pp.109-115, ISBN:978-93-82062-29-5
- G.V.R.K.Acharyulu, Ramaiah Itumalla, Branding and Service Quality in Healthcare Sector with special reference to Hospitals, Branding – A Strategic Tool for Corporate Success, edited by Dr.Sapna Singh and Prof.V.Venkata Ramana. Paramount Publishing House, New Delhi, Hyderabad. ISBN: 978-93-82163-38-1, 2012, pp.151-162.
- Ramaiah Itumalla, Dr. G.V.R.K Acharyulu, Paradigm Shift in Healthcare Organizations Towards Accreditations, Emerging Trends in healthcare & Hospital Management, G.V.R.K. Acharyulu and V. Venkata Ramana (ed), Paramount Publishing House, New Delhi, 2012, pp. 207-214, ISBN 978-93-82163-23-7.
- L. KalyanViswanath Reddy, Ramaiah Itumalla, Ms Safin Bhatt, Service Improvement Measure In Master Health Check Process In Corporate Hospital, Emerging Trends in healthcare & Hospital Management, G.V.R.K. Acharyulu and V. Venkata Ramana (ed), Paramount Publishing House, New Delhi, 2012, pp. 74-81, ISBN 978-93-82163-23-7.
- Ramaiah Itumalla, GVRK Acharyulu, Inclusive Growth in Andhra Pradesh: Challenges in Healthcare Sector, edited by Dr. V. Mary Jessica and Prof. V. Venkata Ramana. Paramount Publishing House, New Delhi, Hyderabad.ISBN:978-93-82163-39-8, 1st edition pp.319-327.
- GVRK Acharyulu, Ramaiah Itumalla, Strategies for Healthcare Inclusive Growth in Andhra Pradesh, in Strategic Measures for Inclusive Growth (Ed) S. Teki, Macmillan publishers, 2010.pp.62-67. ISBN: 10: 0230-32344-8.
Publications in Journals
- Awad, A. A., Ramaiah Itumalla, Gaidhane, A. M., Khatib, M. N., Ballal, S., Bansal, P., … & Shabil, M. (2024). Association of electronic cigarette use and suicidal behaviors: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC psychiatry, 24(1), 608. (SCOPUS, IF: 3.4 & Q 1).
- Jain, L., Pradhan, S., Aggarwal, A., Padhi, B. K., Ramaiah Itumalla, Khatib, M. N., … & Marzo, R. R. (2024). Association of Child Growth Failure Indicators With Household Sanitation Practices in India (1998-2021): Spatiotemporal Observational Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 10, e41567. (SCOPUS, IF 8.5 & Q 1).
- Ramaiah Itumalla, Khatib, M. N., Gaidhane, S., Zahiruddin, Q. S., Gaidhane, A. M., Neyazi, A., … & Padhi, B. K. (2024). Smokeless tobacco consumption among women of reproductive age: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Public Health, 24(1), 1361. (SCOPUS, IF 4.5 & Q 1).
- Rahbeni, T. A., Satapathy, P., Ramaiah Itumalla, Marzo, R. R., Mugheed, K. A., Khatib, M. N., … & Dziedzic, A. (2024). COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: Umbrella Review of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 10, e54769. (SCOPUS, IF 8.5 & Q 1).
- Satapathy, P., Ramaiah Itumalla, Neyazi, A., Taraki, A. M. N., Khatib, M. N., Gaidhane, S., … & Neyazi, M. (2024). Emerging bedaquiline resistance: A threat to the global fight against drug-resistant tuberculosis. Journal of Biosafety and Biosecurity, 6(1), 13-15. (SCOPUS).
- Ran, J., Dziedzic, A., Naser, I. H., Ramaiah Itumalla, Gupta, J. K., Rustagi, S., … & Sah, R. (2024). Efficacy and safety of stem cell therapy in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy: An umbrella review of systematic reviews. International Journal of Surgery, 10-1097. (SCOPUS, IF 12.5 & Q 1).
- J Alanazi, A Unnisa, RD Patel, Ramaiah Itumalla, M Alanazi, TN Alharby, SB Jandrajupalli, T Hussain, BA Elamine, OA Mohamed. Prevalence of cardiovascular disease and osteoarthritis in obese population of Hail region, Saudi Arabia. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, 26 (19), 7161-7168. 2022. (IF: 3.507 & Q 2). doi: 10.26355/eurrev_202210_29903
- Alanazi, J., Unnisa, A., Ahmad, S., Ramaiah Itumalla, Alanazi, M., Alharby, T.N., Anwar, S., Younes, K.M., Hussain, T., Hussain, A. and Elamine, B.A., 2022. Significance of Orlistat in management of dyslipidemia, systolic blood pressure and body mass index. European Review for Medical & Pharmacological Sciences, 26(22), 8326-8332, 2022. (IF: 3.507 & Q 2).
- Ramaiah Itumalla, R Kumar, B Perera, M Tharwat, S Kumar, R Kundur. Patient’s Perception of Diabetes Care Services in Hail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Health Psychology Research, 10 (3): 1-6. 2022. (WoS).
- R Kumar, Ramaiah Itumalla, B Perera, MT Elabbasy, M Singh. Patient knowledge about diabetes: Illness symptoms, complications and preventive personal lifestyle factors. Health Psychology Research, 10 (3) 2022. (WoS).
- Syed-Abdul, Shabbir, A. Shoban Babu, Raja Shekhar Bellamkonda, Ramaiah Itumalla, G. V. R. K. Acharyulu, Surya Krishnamurthy, Y. Venkat Santosh Ramana, Naresh Mogilicharla, Shwetambara Malwade, and Yu-Chuan Li Jack. “Using artificial intelligence-based models to predict the risk of mucormycosis among COVID-19 survivors: An experience from a public hospital in India.” Journal of Infection 84, no. 3 (2022): 351-354. (IF: 38.640 & Q 1). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinf.2021.12.016
- Malwade, Shwetambara, Mallikarjun Marri, Rajendranath Gundamraj, Venkat Santosh Ramana Yerravalli, Raja Shekhar Bellamkonda, Acharyulu Gvrk, Ramaiah Itumalla, and Shabbir SyedAbdul. “Telemedicine in Your Pocket: An Alternative Teleconsultation Tool in a Pandemic and in Resource-Poor Settings.” Telemedicine and e-Health. 28 (8), 1215-1219 (2021). (IF: 5.033 & Q 1). https://doi.org/10.1089/tmj.2021.0443
- Ramaiah Itumalla, Rakesh Kumar, Mohamed Tharwat Elabbasy, Bilesha Perera, and Mohammad R. Torabi. “Structural Factors and Quality of Diabetes Health Services in Hail, Saudi Arabia: A Cross-Sectional Study.” Healthcare, vol. 9, no. 12, p. 1691. (2021). (IF: 2.645 & Q 2). https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare9121691
- Ramadevi Kundur, Ramaiah Itumalla, Eitimad Hashim Abdel-Rahman, Malak Saad Althawainy “Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency and its Associated Risk Factors on
Osteoarthritis: A Cross-sectional Survey” Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 15 (8), LC17-LC20. 2021. (WoS). https://doi.org/10.7860/JCDR/2021/48364.15279 - Alsaif, Bandar, Najm Eldinn Elsser Elhassan, Ramaiah Itumalla, Kamal Elbassir Ali, Mohamed Ali Alzain. Assessing the Level of Awareness of COVID-19 and Prevalence of General Anxiety Disorder among the Hail Community, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (13): 7035. (2021). (IF: 3.39 & Q 1) https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18137035
- Aldhmadi, Badr K., Rakesh Kumar, Ramaiah Itumalla, and Bilesha Perera. Depressive symptomatology and practice of safety measures among undergraduate students during CoViD-19: impact of gender. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (9): 4924. (2021). (IF: 3.39 & Q 1) https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18094924
- Aldhmadi, Badr K., Ramaiah Itumalla, Rakesh Kumar, and Bilesha Perera. “Feelings, Behavioral Actions and Depressive Symptoms Related to COVID-19 among Undergraduates in Hail, Saudi Arabia.” Healthcare, vol. 9, no. 10, p. 1280. (2021). (IF: 2.645 & Q 2). https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare9101280
- Alzain, Mohamed Ali, Mogahid Hassan Haruwn, Mohamed Osman Abdelaziz, Mohamed Elsheikh, Collins Otieno Asweto, Fahad D. Algahtani, Adeniyi Abolaji Adeboye, Najm Eldinn Elsser Elhassan, Ramaiah Itumalla. “Association between cholera outbreak and traditional gold mining in Northern State, Sudan 2017.” Journal of Global Infectious Diseases, 13, no. 3 (2021): 115. (IF: 0.89 & Q 3). https://doi.org/10.4103/jgid.jgid_47_20
- Ramaiah Itumalla, Badr Aldhmadi, Combating Tobacco use in Saudi Arabia: A Review of Recent Initiatives, Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 26(7), 858-863. 2020. (WHO Publication), (IF: 1.628 & Q 3). http://doi.org/10.26719/emhj.20.019
- Suleman Atique, Ramaiah Itumalla (2020). Hajj in the Time of COVID-19. Infection, Disease & Health (Official Journal of the Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control) 25(3), 219-221. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.idh.2020.04.001
- Ramaiah Itumalla, GVRK Acharyulu, B. Raja Shekhar. Development of Hospitalqual: A Service Quality Scale for Measuring In-patient Services in Hospital. Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 7 (2), 54 – 63. 2014.
Awards & Achievements+
- World’s Top 2% Scientists, Stanford University and Elsevier, 2024
- Name of Award/Honor: Top citations for published paper in 2021.
Date: 27-12-2022. Name of Awarding Body: University of Hail (THE 351-400 Rank), Ministry of Education, Saudi Arabia - Name of Award/Honor: University Medal. Date:2011-10-01. Name of Awarding Body: University of Hyderabad
- Name of Award/Honor: Achievers’ Award in MBA (HC&HM) II Semester Date:2009-11-14 (Received from Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam) Name of Awarding Body: University of Hyderabad
- Name of Award/Honor: Achievers’ Award in MBA (HC&HM) III Semester Date:2010-09-20 (Received from Prof. Govardan Mehata). Name of Awarding Body: University of Hyderabad