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Name of the Club: Social Responsibility Club

Name of the Faculty Coordinator: Dr.B. Purushotham

Name of the Student Coordinators: K. Meghana

Date: 02.03.2024

Venue: (In–house / Out Reach): In-house

No. of Participants: 08

Name of the Activity: “Tree Plantation”

The objective/s of the Activity:

  • To raise awareness to the society towards the importance of planting and saving trees
  • To express our concern to the environment.
  • To promote environmental values and Institutional Social responsibility.
  • To make the students aware about the importance of planting trees


It helps students to develop skills such as:

  • Responsibility: Caring for the plants
  • Self-confidence: Developing self-confidence
  • Observation: Developing skills of observation through interactions with plants, animals, soil, and weather