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Exposure visit of MPH students to APSDMA on 04-10-2024 at Vijayawada support by UNICEF.

Sri Ronanki Kurmanath, IAS, Director of APSDMA, briefed on various services provided during recent floods in Vijayawada and nearby districts. He highlighted APSDMA’s mitigation plans and the use of government-initiated apps like APWRIMS. Discussions included cyclone tracking models, seismology, thunderstorm monitoring, rainfall patterns, heatwaves, temperature, humidity, and radiation analysis. Basanth Reddy, Project Manager, DRR and Dr. Prasad, Project Manager (UNICEF Support) provided additional insights. Dr. Mahendranath Chowdary and MPH students from The Apollo University, Chittoor, A.P. participated in this interactive session, gaining valuable field exposure and an opportunity to engage with officials.

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