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The theory and development of computer systems that can perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation and interpretation are formalized as AI. Machine learning is a method of data analysis that automates analytical model building. The adoption of artificial intelligence/ Machine Learning (AI/ML) is growing worldwide. Organizations worldwide are adopting AI/ML in their business transformation journey for agility, resilience, innovations, and scalability. With this backdrop. The Apollo University offers a four-year under-graduate B. Tech CSE (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning) for laying a strong foundation by using the principles and technologies that consist of many facets of Artificial Intelligence including logic, knowledge representation, probabilistic models, and Machine Learning. This program is best suited for students seeking to build world- class expertise in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and emerging technologies which help to stand apart in the crowd and grow careers in the upcoming technological era.

Program Objectives

  • The students will able to acquire the ability to design intelligent solutions for various business problems in a variety of domains and business applications and also explore fields such as neural networks, natural language processing, robotics, deep learning, computer vision, reasoning, and problem-solving.
  • The students will get acquittance with machine learning methods, tools, and computer algorithms used to train machines to analyze, understand, and find hidden patterns in data and make predictions.
  • The eventual goal is to utilize data for self-learning, eliminating the need to program machines in an explicit manner.
  • Identify problems where artificial intelligence techniques are applicable.
  • Applying selected basic AI techniques; judge applicability of more advanced techniques.

Industry leader speak


Students will have different career options after finishing graduation in AI & ML, such as

The programme has an unmatched range & depth, and covers the widest variety of skill & knowledge areas required to develop advanced AI solutions.
Aiming to become expert Machine Learning Engineers & AI Scientists.
The programme offers a set of core courses and elective courses, allowing students to gain expertise in Advanced Deep learning, Computational Learning theory, Speech Processing, Natural Language Processing, etc..

Programme Curriculum

  • Course Code Course Name Periods
    per week
    L T P
    BTMT1701 Engineering Physics 3 1 0 4
    BTMT1702 Engineering Mathematics 3 1 0 4
    BTMT1801 Problem Solving and Programming with C 3 1 0 4
    BTMT1101 Communicative English 3 0 0 3
    BTMT1201 University Elective I 3 0 0 3
    BTML1701 Engineering Physics Lab 0 0 3 1.5
    BTML1801 Problem Solving and Programming with C
    0 0 3 1.5
    TOTAL 15 3 6 21
  • Course Code Course Name Periods
    per week
    L T P
    BTMT1703 Probability & Statistics 3 1 0 4
    BTMT1802 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering 3 1 0 4
    BTMT1301 Data Structures 3 1 0 4
    BTMT1302 Python Programming 3 1 0 4
    BTMT1102 Environmental Studies 3 0 0 0
    BTMT1202 University Elective II 3 0 0 3
    BTML1802 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
    0 0 2 1
    BTML1301 Data Structures Lab 0 0 2 1
    BTML1302 Python Programming Lab 0 0 2 1
    TOTAL 18 4 6 22
  • Course Code Course Name Periods
    per week
    L T P
    BTMT2701 Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory 3 1 0 4
    BTMT2301 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3 1 0 4
    BTMT2302 Object Oriented Programming through Java 3 0 0 3
    BTMT2801 Digital Logic design 3 0 0 3
    University Core – III 3 0 0 3
    University Elective -III 3 0 0 3
    BTMT2303 Constitution of India 3 0 0 0
    BTML2301 Java Programming Lab 0 0 2 1
    BTML2801 Digital Logic Design lab 0 0 2 1
    TOTAL 21 2 4 22
  • Course Code Course Name Periods
    per week
    L T P
    BTMT2702 Deterministic     Stochastic     and     Statistical
    3 1 0 4
    BTMT2901 Management for Engineers 3 0 0 3
    BTMT2501 Artificial Intelligence 3 0 0 3
    BTMT2304 Database Management Systems 3 0 0 3
    BTMT2305 Operating Systems 3 1 0 4
    BTMT2502 Machine Learning 3 0 0 3
    BTMT2306 Universal Human Values 3 0 0 0
    BTML2302 Database Management Systems Lab 0 0 2 1
    BTML2501 Machine Learning Lab 0 0 2 1
    Internship – I will be Evaluated in V Sem
    TOTAL 21 2 4 22
  • Value Added Courses
    Course Code Course Name
    BTMA0001 Getting Started with Google Cloud Learning Path
    BTMA0002 Fundamentals of Data Analytics
    BTMA0003 Introduction to Blockchain Technology
    BTMA0004 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect


    V – Semester
    Course Code Course Name Periods
    per week
    L T P
    BTMT3301 Computer Networks 3 0 0 3
    BTMT3302 Automata and Compiler Design 3 1 0 4
    BTMT3501 Data Analysis and Visualization 3 0 0 3
    BTMT3401 Faculty Elective – I 3 0 0 3
    BTMT3601 Programme Elective – I 3 0 0 3
    BTMM3501 MOOC – I 0 0 0 3
    BTML3501 Computer Networks Lab 0 0 2 1
    BTML3502 Data Visualization Lab 0 0 2 1
    BTMI3301 Internship-I Evaluation 0 0 4 2
    TOTAL 15 1 8 23


    Faculty Elective -I Program Elective -I
    Course Code Course Name Course
    Course Name
    BTMT3401a Object Oriented Analysis and
    BTMT3601a Software Engineering
    BTMT3401b Software Engineering BTMT3601b Applications of AI
    BTMT3401c Artificial Intelligence BTMT3601c Digital Marketing Analytics
    BTMT3401d Computer Organisation and
    BTMT3601d Intelligent Multi Agent and Expert System
    BTMT3401e Software Engineering BTMT3601e Machine Learning
    BTMT3401f Advanced Data Structures
    BTMT3401g Data Warehousing and Mining
    BTMT3401h Machine Learning
    BTMT3401i Differential Equations and Vector
    BTMT3401j Numerical Methods for Engineers
    BTMT3401k Mathematical Foundations of Cyber
    BTMT3401l Information Retrieval Systems
    BTMT3401m Cryptography and Network
    BTMT3401n Principles of Programming
    BTMT3401o Unix and Shell Programming
    BTMT3401p Introduction to Psychology
    BTMT3401q Industry 4.0
    BTMT3401r Computer Vision
  • Value Added Courses
    Course Code Course Name
    BTMA0005 Database Engineer Learning Path
    BTMA0006 Big Data Foundation Course
    BTMA0007 Programming Basics for Blockchain Engineers
    BTMA0008 Oracle Cloud Security Administrator


    VI – Semester
    Course Code Course Name Periods
    per week
    L T P
    BTMT3502 Natural Language Processing 3 0 0 3
    BTMT3503 Advanced Machine Learning 3 0 0 3
    BTMT3402 Faculty Elective – III 3 0 0 3
    BTMT3602 Programme Elective – II 3 0 0 3
    BTMT3603 Programme Elective – III 3 0 0 3
    BTMM3502 MOOC – II 0 0 0 3
    BTML3503 Natural Language Processing Lab 0 0 2 1
    BTML3504 Advanced Machine Learning Lab 0 0 2 1
    Internship – II will be Evaluated in VII Sem
    TOTAL 15 0 4 20


    Faculty Elective -II Program Elective -II
    Course Code Course Name Course Code Course Name
    BTMT3402a Design Patterns BTMT3602a Machine Intelligence for Medical
    BTMT3402b Cyber Security BTMT3602b Evolutionary Computation and
    Opinion Mining
    BTMT3402c Software Project
    BTMT3602c Practical Machine Learning with
    BTMT3402d Linux Programming BTMT3602d Cryptography and Network Security
    BTMT3402e Cloud Computing BTMT3602e AI for Robotics
    BTMT3402f Mobile Computing Program Elective -III
    BTMT3402g Image Processing BTMT3603a Software Testing Methodologies
    BTMT3402h Deep Learning BTMT3603b AI& ML in Health Care
    BTMT3402i E-Commerce BTMT3603c Human Machine Interaction
    BTMT3402j Block Chain Technology BTMT3603d Predictive Analytics
    BTMT3402k Mathematical Foundations of
    Data Science
    BTMT3603e Nature Inspired Algorithms
    BTMT3402l Transforms and Boundary
    Value Problems
    BTMT3402m Optimization Techniques
    BTMT3402n Information Security
    BTMT3402o Ethical Hacking
    BTMT3402p Internet of Things
    BTMT3402q Embedded Systems
    BTMT3402r Green Computing
    BTMT3402s Cloud Security
    BTMT3402t DevNet
    BTMT3402u Advanced Computer
    BTMT3402v Network Security
    BTMT3402w Fault Tolerant Systems
    BTMT3402x Computational Intelligence
    BTMT3402y Data Analytics with Tableau
  • Value Added Courses
    Course Code Course Name
    BTMA0009 Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path
    BTMA0010 BDA Foundation
    BTMA0011 Blockchain Essentials
    BTMA0012 Oracle Cloud Operations Engineer


    VII – Semester
    Course Code Course Name Periods
    per week
    L T P
    BTMT4501 Cloud Computing 3 0 0 3
    BTMT4502 Neural Networks and Deep Learning 3 0 0 3
    BTMT4601 Programme Elective – IV 3 0 0 3
    BTMT4602 Programme Elective – V 3 0 0 3
    BTMM4501 MOOC – III 0 0 0 3
    BTMP4301 Mini Project 0 0 2 1
    BTML4501 Cloud Computing Lab 0 0 2 1
    BTML4502 Neural Networks and Deep Learning Lab 0 0 2 1
    BTMI4301 Internship – II Evaluation 0 0 4 2
    TOTAL 12 0 10 20


    Program Elective -IV Program Elective -V
    Course Name Course
    Course Name
    BTMT4601a AI in Block Chain BTMT4602a Software Project Management
    BTMT4601b Sentiment Analysis BTMT4602b Health Analytics
    BTMT4601c Smart Product Development BTMT4602c Image and Video Analytics
    BTMT4601d Cyber Security BTMT4602d Business Intelligence and
    BTMT4601e Financial Analytics BTMT4602e Machine Learning for
  • Value Added Courses
    Course Code Course Name
    BTMA0013 Generative AI Learning Path
    BTMA0014 Big Data Technology
    BTMA0015 Certified Blockchain Developer


    VIII – Semester
    Course Code Course Name Periods
    per week
    L T P
    BTMP4302 Project Work 0 0 24 12
    BTMV4301 Comprehensive Viva-Voce 0 0 2 1
    TOTAL 0 0 26 13


One-Time Fee Admission Fee ₹ 7,000
1st Year Tuition Fee + Annual Recurring Fee ₹ 2,50,000 + ₹ 13,000
2nd Year Tuition Fee + Annual Recurring Fee ₹ 2,50,000 + ₹ 13,000
3rd Year Tuition Fee + Annual Recurring Fee ₹ 2,50,000 + ₹ 13,000
4th Year Tuition Fee + Annual Recurring Fee ₹ 2,50,000 + ₹ 13,000
Total Programme Fee (4 Years) ₹ 10,59,000

Scholarship is available for eligible students


Candidates must secure 50% in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics of Intermediate or in the diploma course or must have appeared for Class 12 or equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics as major subjects from any recognized board. Candidates who have completed or qualified the final year of diploma in engineering courses are also eligible Candidates must not exceed the age of 24 years and the minimum age for applying is 17 years as on 31st December of Calendar Year.

Lateral Entry

Total Course Duration You Will Join In Seats Available Education Qualification
3 Years 2nd Year 6 A three-year engineering diploma in Computer Science program from a recognized institute. The candidateso must have secured at least 50% marks in their diploma program.


The IT graduates can explore the employment opportunities in various public and private sectors. They mostly acquire the following positions:

  • Hospital and Medicine
  • Game Playing
  • Speech Recognition
  • Understanding
  • Natural Language
  • Computer Vision
  • Cyber Security
  • Face Recognition
  • Transport
  • Marketing & Advertising
  • language detection machine
  • robotics